Gear Up: Transmission Service at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Winter Springs in Winter Springs
April 25, 2021
The transmission system in your vehicle allows you to change gears. Lower gears are power gears. They get your vehicle moving and get it up hills. Higher gears get the vehicle up to speed and get it rolling faster. If you have a standard transmission, then you have to do the work of shifting gea... More

To Fix or Not To Fix: That Is the Question.
April 18, 2021
No matter what vehicle you drive, when certain things break, you have to make a decision. Should I get it fixed now, later or never? Air conditioning is one of those things. You can certainly live without air conditioning, but it sure is nice to have on a sweltering day. Let's say your air con... More

Shake It up in Winter Springs!: Why Wheel Balancing
April 11, 2021
Our vehicles are not massage chairs. While we may enjoy a good vibration in an overstuffed recliner, we generally want as smooth a ride as possible in our vehicles. One way to achieve this is to keep a vehicle's wheels in balance. When a tire is mounted onto a wheel, it is usually out of balance... More

Wipe Out! New Wiper Blades for Winter Springs Drivers
April 4, 2021
When people in Winter Springs talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around Florida? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them o... More